Why Asian American hatred is a hoax?

Asian Americans are reporting that hatred from other races continues to rise since the COVID-19 pandemic. With the recent killings of Asians in Atlanta, there has been a great outcry for additional support. The reality is that Asian Americans have historically benefited in the areas of income, poverty, unemployment, and education.

In 2018 annual median income of Asian Americans reached $87,194, which is 38% greater than the national median income of $63,179. The 2018 annual median income for whites is $70, 642. The 2018 annual median income for Hispanics is $51,450. The 2018 annual median income for Blacks is $41,361. Analyzing the statics can make one nauseous knowing that Asian Americans are crying racism while outdistancing all races in the category of income.

There is a direct correlation between income and poverty for which Asian Americans benefit. Income is the gauge that is used to determine the well-being of an individual in the United states. People in poverty go hungry, die prematurely, live insecure and precarious lives, suffer from the lack of education, and fail to achieve their full potential in life.

Races who have high levels of poverty tend to get worse over time. This is not the case for Asian Americans. The Asian American poverty rate (9.7%) is slightly higher that the poverty rate for Whites (9.0%). However, the Asian American poverty rate is less than twice that of Blacks (21.2%) and Hispanics (17.2%).

Asians American outdistance other Americans apart from Whites in business ownership. The Number of businesses in the United States in 2012, by race are White (83%), Asian American (9%), Hispanic (6%), and Black (2%).  Asians are more than 4 times likely to own a business when compare to Blacks. When you own a business, you are more likely to do business with people of the same race. In turn, those people within your race will have more opportunities for employment.

Asian Americans have the lowest unemployment rate across any household of color, with only 3.3% of the population unemployed in the first quarter of 2020, compared to the national average of 4.1%. Historically, Asian Americans are more employable when compared to other Americans. The unemployment rate by ethnicity favors Asian Americans (8.7%) when compared to Blacks (11.4%) and Hispanics/Latino (10.4%).

Finally, Asian Americans have found favor in our Classrooms Across the United States. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, Asian students received the highest amount of aid in the form of grants when compared to other ethnicities. Grants lead to better opportunities in college. At four-year institutions, black men completed their degrees at the lowest rate (40 percent) and Asian women at the highest (75.7 percent).

The opportunity for Asian American educational growth continues at the primary and secondary school level. According to the Center for Education Statistics, in school year 2017–18, the national adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students was 85 percent, the highest it has been since the rate was first measured in 2010–11. Asian/Pacific Islander students had the highest ACGR (92 percent), followed by White (89 percent), Hispanic (81 percent), Black (79 percent), and American Indian/Alaska Native (74 percent) students. Asian Americans benefit in the areas of poverty, unemployment, education, and income when compared to other ethnicities.

Asian Americans have also benefited in the area of public safety when compared to other ethnicities. Since 1968, 170 unarmed Blacks have been killed by law enforcement. The killings began in 1968 with the killing of Henry Dumas, in Harlem New York City, New York by a New York City Transit Police Officer. The killings of unarmed blacks continue with the most recent killing of Patrick Lynn Warren Sr. on January 10, 2021 in Killeen, Texas shot by a Killeen Police Officer. Asian Americans have not had to endure the same racism that Blacks have had to endure and therefore the #StopAsianHate movement is a hoax.

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Dr. Derrick L. Campbell

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